Wednesday 12 February 2014

adult cake with rum essence

For the cake 2 1/2 cups self raising flour 1/2 coco 
3tsp backing powder 
1 cup yogurt (greek yogurt, or plain yogurt not very watery)
1/2 cup vegetable oil 
2 cups sugar (icing sugar )
2 tsp rum essence
2 tsp vanilla

bake at 180 for 30 or till the tooth pick comes out clean 

banana apple cinnamon bread

1 tbp cinnamon
3 cups icing sugar
2 cups water
1 cup  milk
5 bananas
2 small apples

add all this to a pot BOIL

pre heat oven at gas number 4

on another pot add the
6 cups self raising flour
1 tbp backing soda

once the pot with all the incidents has boiled for at least 10 min
add to the flour mix and add to the oven cook for 30 min or till tooth pic comes clean

tip the oven when backing a cake should never be opened before 20 min cause if u do the cake that was  raising  with drop at the centre happened many times

Monday 3 February 2014

No sew barbie dress

Danfraf shampoo recipe

Well made it like two-weeks ago and tried it today I mean works, as I didn't want and go to buy thing used what I had at home, will try for a cheeper recipe soon the shampoo it self costs £6 from the body shop and it really good, lets say was so not in the mood to see people so didn't do out to buy it, I said let's look around found one recipe on Pinterest but wasn't for me was for someone with dry hair,

So first u grate the ginger 2 big ones and add the juice to one bowl and the rest to another

Now I used almond oil but u can use olive oil 

Like I said will make a cheep one soon had this so used it in a bowl big one pure out the soup add the ginger juice add four tbps of almond oil, add 3 cups off vanilla the cup is the top of the vanilla bottle and mix 

Once done all that leave for two week or at least a week so the mix up than use shake before use have a nice shampoo