Tuesday 5 August 2014

vegan cupcakes very easy with rice milk

so i was home, when my dad called and said hey i need a cake or cupcakes, i ok and when to my fridge to see if i had yogurt, when my dad said no vegan,  i panicked literally panicked ok is not that i have anything against vegans is just i didn't have the indigents so i was like look on the internet dam i don't have that incident and than just put all i had on the table and gambles a with and did the try and i went like yes i did it

so here is goes and i tell you they are good,  like good i give them to kids healthy

as a measuring cup i used one table spoon all all

18 flour self raising
20 rice milk
3 oil soya
6 sugar brown or whit i used white

pre heat oven at 180 c

first mix the sugar milk and than add the oil and than the flour and that at it to the cake cakes tin with paper lining.

cook for 15 min than check with a tooth tick if clean than it's done if not keep a little more like 5 min and take out roll over and put than straight wait till cool

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